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Stimulation of ovulation



Stimulation of ovulation (it’s also called induction of superovulation) aimed at stimulating ovaries for the genepration of one and more oocytes. The stimulation of ovulation is conducted through different medicaments.


Stimulation of ovulation is aimed at the improvement of the content of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to the level which restores follicle growth and development, which then results in the release of the healthy and mature oocytes from ovaries (ovulation).


Absence of ovulatory cycles (anovulation) or irregular ovulatory cycles (oligoovulation) are one of the most widespread reasons of infertility. There are different reasons for ovulatory abnormalities, they can include problems of the central nervous system, as well as differen endocrine abnormalities. One of the widespread reasons of anovulation is the syndrome of the polycystic ovary. Anovulation can be met in cases of women with overweight and underweight and women experiencing chronic stress.


Stimulation of ovulation is the safe and effective mean of restoring the fertility among women with anovulation. Stimulation of ovulation in cases of women with normal ovulatory cycles can be targeted at the receipt of oocytes during the treatment with supplementary reproductive methods. The careful selection of the treatment program for the stimulation of ovulation, as well as corresponding monitoring, produce excellent results.


In case of normal indices of the spermogram and lack of obstructions in uterine tubes, we usually recommend starting the treatment with the induction of ovulation. That can be done with climophene citrate (clostilbegit). Patients take pills for 5 days from the 3rd to 7rd day of the menstrual cycle. On the 8th day ultrasound monitoring is conducted to see how ovaries react to the stimulation and whether a follicle is maturing there. Based on the results of the monitoring the patient is recommended a time schedule for the injection of chorial gonadotropin stimulating final maturing of the oocyte and ovulation, followed by the sexual intercourse.


If ovaries don’t react to the stimulation with clostilbegit or if no pregnancy was achieved during 6 cycles of the stimulation of ovulation, we recommend stimulation with injective medicaments – gonadotropins. These medicaments are more effective compared to clomiphen citrate, but they require more careful monitoring, as it contains the risk of multiple pregnancy.


The body weight also plays very important role in how the organism reacts to the induction of ovulation. Because of overweight, probably, there will be poor response by ovaries to the stimulation. Your doctor will recommend to decrease your weight to a specific level before starting the induction of ovulation. 

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