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Oocyte donation



When are donor oocytes used?


One of the most important factors influencing on the efficiency of the IVF treatment method is the quality of oocytes which substantially depends on the age of the woman. With the start of the sexual maturing during each menstrual cycle oocytes are consumed till their supplies are exhausted and ovaries stop functioning.


Besides that when getting older women have increased number of oocytes with different chromosomal pathologies. One of the most widespread types of the chromosomal pathologies is the Down’s syndrome which frequently occurs in case of pregnancy of women over 38. Age-related decrease of the fertility is a natural process and currently no method of oocyte “rejuvenation” exists. Therefore the efficiency of the infertility treatment in case of women over 35 substantially decreases. The use of oocytes received from female donors considerably increases the efficiency due to the good quality of their oocytes. Donor oocytes are used to achieve pregnancy in case of women with different reproductive problems, including the premature emaciation of ovaries, decrease ovarian reserve, low quality of oocytes during previous IVF cycles, as well as in case of women with chromosomal translocations or genetic diseases to avoid their transfer to babies.


The first pregnancy with the use of donor oocytes was achieved in 1984. Since then more than 50000 babies were born with this method only in the USA.


Oocyte donors can be:


  • patient’s relatives and friends,
  • anonymous professional donors selected and examined by the clinic. Information on the anonymous donor identity is confidential and she doesn’t receive any information on patients whom her oocytes are designated for. After the donor selection she passes medical and genetic examination to find out whether she meets all necessary requirements for oocyte donor. The donor signs an informative agreement which indicated that her oocytes and embryos fertilized with her oocytes will become the property of patients. The treatment cycle can start after the examination and signature of juridical documents.


Requirements to professional donors:


  • physical and psychological health,
  • aged between 20-30,
  • availability of own and healthy child,
  • absence of deviations in appearance (the right figure and physiognomy).


“Oocyte donation” program includes following phases:


1.     Synchronization of donor’s and recipient’s menstrual cycles through agonists of gonadotropin releasing hormone (diferelin, dikapeptil, buserelin) or oral contraceptives.

2.     Stimulation of ovulation of donor oocytes through gonadotropins (menopur, puregon, gonal-F),

3.     Injection of the ovulatory dose of the chorial gonadotropin to the donor,

4.     Preparation of recipient’s endomethrium with estradiol and progesterone.

5.     Puncture of donor’s ovaries, fertilization of those oocytes with the husband’s sperm and transfer of the embryo to the patient’s uterus.


The oocyte donor undergoes a standard IVF cycle, while the patient takes medicines such as estradiol and progesterone for the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for the implantation. The donor ovaries are stimulated to generate a few oocytes which are then extracted through trans-vaginal puncture and fertilized with the sperm of the patient’s husband and cultivated in the laboratory. 3-5 days after the cultivation 2 embryos of the highest quality are implanted into the patient’s uterus.


Indications for IVF with donor oocytes:


  1. Lack of oocytes conditioned with the natural menopause, the syndrome of premature ovary emaciation, the state after the removal of ovaries, radio- or chemotherapy, as well as anomalies of the development.
  2. Functional inferiority of female ovaries, genetic abnormalities, which can be transferred to babies.
  3. Inefficiency of previous IVF and embryo transfer cycles with the insufficient ovary response to the stimulation of ovulation, embryos of a low quality which doesn’t result in pregnancy.




1.     Somatic and psychological diseases which has contraindications for pregnancy;

2.     Innate development abnormality or acquired deformations of the uterine cavity, which makes it impossible to implant embryos;

3.     Ovary tumors;

4.     Hyper-plastic processes in the endometrium,

5.     Benign uterine tumors requiring operative treatment

6.     Sever inflammatory diseases of any localization,

7.     Malignant neoplasms in any localization, including anamnesis.


Availability of the severe male infertility factor doesn’t exclude the use of donor oocytes. Aspiration of spermatozoa from the epididymis (PESA, MESA, TESA) and injection of a single spermatozoon into the oocyte cytoplasm (ICSI) are the two modern methods of the treatment of male infertility and can be applied together with donor oocytes.


Previously married couples with serious pathologies of oocytes or sperm had only two options: adoption or childlessness. Today the oocyte donorship, TESA and ICSI provide the third option – opportunity for the married couple to jointly experience the pregnancy and the birth of a child.


Oocyte donors face certain risk of complications and difficulties conditioned with the necessity to combine their job with donorship cycle and therefore they receive appropriate material compensation for their participation in the donor’s program.


The use of donor’s oocytes is a quite expensive treatment method as the slection, examination of donors and their material compensation increase the cost for the IVF procedure. However the high efficiency of the IVF program with donor’s oocyte provides high chances for the success to many couples.


If you have questions you can contact us via phone call at (+37410) 75-00-85 or via sending a short message to our e-mail. Our specialists will gladly answer to your questions.



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