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Infertility treatment



Infertility treatment plunges patients into the state of depression, guilt and suffering. However today doctors have such means of infertility treatment that provide very high chances for getting pregnant and full treatment of infertility. In most cases qualified reproductorlogists can evaluate the factors that have caused infertility and assign appropriate means of treatment. Overwhelming majority of patients who have started treatment in time succeed in getting pregnant.


Treatment of female infertility


Tube-Peritoneal infertility


Obstruction of tubes can be liquidated through laparoscopy – microsurgery operation targeted at the treatment of female infertility. Many gynecological operations previously were conducted through a big cavitary operation (laparotomy). After the operative laparoscopy the risk of complications is very low and patients are recovering fast enough. Infertility can also be treated through IVF. IVF is a more preferred method in comparison to the surgery operation in case of heavy damage of tubes or failure of laparoscopy.


Еndocrinal infertility


At the first phase of the treatment normalization of the functions of the endocrine system is undertaken. At the second phase medicines stimulating follicle maturing are prescribed, followed by medicines stimulating ovulation (release of the oocyte from the follicle).




Endometriosis is usually treated through medicinal therapy or through limited surgical intervention. In case of inefficiency of conservative and operative treatment of infertility IVF is indicated.


Uterine pathology


The main method of treating infertility of the uterine cavity is hysteroscopy. There are 2 types of hysteroscopy: diagnostic which helps to set a diagnosis, and surgical, i.e. treatment.


Immunological infertility


The immune system plays important role in the preservation of health during the entire life protecting the organism from infections. It destroys alien cells, bacteria, viruses taking them for “enemies”.


The means of treatment of immunological infertility are in the phase of experimental development and include increase of the sensitivity of mother’s organism to father’s genes through injection of his lymphocytes before the pregnancy.


Infertility of unknown genesis


There are five options for the treatment of the infertility of unknown genesis which are:


  1. waiting strategy (don’t initiate any treatment and continue conception attempts normally),
  2. intrauterine insemination (IUI),
  3. stimulation of the ovulation with clomiphene citrate (without anybody’s help or in combination with the intrauterine insemination) (CC/IUI),
  4. stimulation with gonadotrophins (HMAG or FSH) in combination with insemination (HMG/FSH/IUI),
  5. in vitro fertilization (IVF) and micromanipulation with spermatozoa (ICSI) in combinations with the artificial rupture of the embryo tunic in the test tube (hatching)


Treatment of male infertility


The treatment of male infertility can include hormonal therapy for the improvement of spermatozoa maturing, therapy with antibiotics, surgical treatment of varicocele, injection of the specially processed sperm into the female uterus, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive technologies of infertility treatment.


There are many reasons, starting from abnormalities in the development of reproductive organs to the influence of the environment. Capacities of the modern medicine allow to detect the exact reason which enables to select the most optimal method of infertility treatment. Assisted reproductive technologies are broadly applied for the treatment of infertility, which allow achieving pregnancy in cases when other means of treatment are unsuccessful.


Methods of infertility treatment


We carefully work with each married couple to identify the most optimal method of the infertility treatment for their case from the medical view point, as well as taking into account financial, social, religious and ethical factors. 

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